Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Here in Belforte

Day 1 of Adventures: Well, since I didn't post anything yesterday, yesterday seems a bit hazy. Bear with me as I try to tell you what happened. First, Grandpa took me to Sestino in Toscani (AKA Tuscany) to buy bread. Ok, the bread here in Italy is different than back in the states. They don't make bread in big loafs and they don't sell it sliced up. They make long loafs (12 inches or so) that are about 2-3 inches thick. For lunch, we slice that bread up and then put cheese and meet or PB & J on one slice and eat it like that. The slices are pretty thick, but it's still really small.
Anyhoo, we got back to the house and then we went to the super market in another town to get other sorts of groceries. Came back, ate, then headed out again.

This time we went to Frontino which is a walled-community up in the hills. Beautiful little town. We saw really pretty flowers everywhere, and since it was on a hill we could see everything around us.

The town also had a bell tower that was covered, I mean COVERED in ivy.

Mill: Next we went to an old mill and just walked around. The old mill wheels are really big and look REALLY heavy, being made of stone and all. There was a stream running by the place and a water...pond...thing...up near the roof. Super cool.

And this is a random picture of a dragonfly. I took it. :)


  1. I love your dragonfly. It made me happy. :) So did everything else, btw. I'm super jealous. Everything is so pretty!
