Saturday, May 29, 2010

All part of the Adventure

The Train: Well, we were going too fast on the train to see anything except the bright colors of graffitti. Graffitti is EVERYWHERE!!!!! It's really good, too.

We were supposed to get off at a certain stop, but the door we were exiting from didn't work so we tried to hurry to the next one. Grandpa made it off, but me and Grandma were stuck until the next stop.

When we got off, we turned around and hopped on a train going the other way. There was a Gypsy....(yup)...who turned on a stereo playing music and then she pulled out a microphone and started singing! She was actually really good, but she stopped when one of the train workers came over and looked at her really stern-like. When we caught up with Grandpa we switched transportation methods and took the metro. HOLY CROWS AND PIGEONS AND FLAMIGOS!!! It was crowded!!!!!! Really, really tight. I was scared of not making it off with Grandma and Grandpa because I had so much luggage. I learned really quick that in Rome, if you don't shove your way through, you'll never make it to where you are going. Well, we got off okay, then we got on another metro that was much less crowded.

Taste of Rome: After we got off the metro we walked to our convent (a hotel run by Nuns) and had to carry our luggage up a gazillion stairs to get there.

I cleaned up a bit then we went to dinner at La Rustichella where I tried mussels, some weird fish, mini squids (as in, the whole squid was two inches big and I ate it!), calamari, Fizzy water, and Anchovi pizza. YUM!!!!!

I had to gag the squid down, we took a video of it and everything. I'll post that when we get to Belforte along with all the other pics.

Then we went to a Gelato shop and I had delicious, melt-in-heaven Nutella and Millenium Gelato. MMMMMM!!!!!!! It was soooooooo good! You guys are missing out. After that we went to ST. Peter's Square. BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I took a picture of the Pope's window. Teehee! We're going back tomorrow. I cannot believe I'm here!!! WOOT!!! Well, I'm off to bed so I can do a lot tomorrow.


  1. OHH my gosh I love Gelato!!! It brings me such ecstatic joy!! haha and yes you learn fast in Europe to push your way through lots of people or you'll get off the next stop ;) Sounds like you're pretty brave eating all those fishy little critters haha.

  2. Nutella... YUM! Squid... GAG! I don't know if I can watch the video. Good job, though, on being an adventurous eater! You didn't get that from your grandma!!! :)

    Love you!

  3. I can't believe you actually ate it!!! Well, I can, cuz you're just a little daredevil. But I couldn't have. I almost gagged just watching you. That was nasty. Glad you're having fun, tho!!! I love you!

  4. Sammi,
    You are much braver than I ever would be! What an adventure!

  5. Way to gag it down, Sammi! That was frickin awesome. :)
