Sunday, May 30, 2010

So much to see!

Spanish Steps: After our break we took the subway to the Spanish Steps. It was really pretty there, with the building behind the stairs and the fountain in front, but what caught my eye was all the people! On the stairs, on the street...There were people EVERYWHERE!!

And even though there were so many people that you couldn't really stand without touching someone else, cars would still drive down the road! People would just herd out of the way and then close the gap again. Crazy.

Colosseo: Next we caught the metro to the Colosseo AKA: The Coliseum. That thing is really big. Period. Big.

There were several people dressed as Gladiators there which was really cool. I didn't get a good picture of any of them because they charge you. Apparently it costs quite a pretty penny to go inside the Coliseum as well, guessed it-we didn't go inside. Next to the Colosseo is Arco di Costantine AKA: The Ark of Costantine. Beautiful. Again, really big. (everything is big in Rome.) Also next to the Colosseo is the Forum. It's basically a big, BIG area just of ancient ruins. This used to be the center of Rome, where all the Caesars and gladiators lived. So, pretty much the most important part of ancient Rome. Super cool. There were a bunch of old columns and broken buildings and I got to see their sewer system! And the coolest part is this: they are STILL digging up new things in the area!

Dinner and "The Walk.": After the Colosseo we went to the internet cafe to update my blog, then went out to dinner. I had Abbacchio al forno con Patate which translates to Roast lamb and roast potatoes. It was pretty good. The potatoes were the best part. For desert I had a peach covered in ice cream, raspberry sauce, and chocolate. YUM!!!! Our final activity for the day was what Grandpa calls "The Walk." We took the metro to Barberini and walked 4-5 blocks to Fontana di Trevi AKA: Fountain of Trevi. This is the famous fountain for throwing coins. If you throw 3 coins in it at once, it means you'll come back to Rome. Guess who threw 3 coins in at once?

From there we walked to the Pantheon which is about 7-8 blocks away. (The thing you have to remember about 'blocks' in Rome, they're never the same size. One block may be the size of a block in Elk Ridge, then the next may be twice as big, and the next half as big as the first.) Anyhoo, the Pantheon is one of the oldest structures still standing in Rome. The only light inside comes from a big hole in the ceiling. So I've heard, anyway. We couldn't go inside because it was night time already and we think they may have been doing reconstruction on it as well. Closed.
Four blocks away form that is the Piazza Navona. We had already been there today but usually at night a bunch of crazy performers come: dancers, fire blowers, comedians, musicians, magicians, etc. Unfortunately for some odd reason, they weren't there tonight. Dang it all. Oh well.

7 plus blocks, the Tiber River, Ponte Sant' Angelo Bridge, Castle Sant' Angelo, and another 13 plus blocks later-and we're finally back at the convent. What a walk. I asked Grandma how far she thought we walked today and she just looked at me and said, "Too dang for." I laughed. :) Tomorrow we'll go to Catholic Mass and then we'll head out to Belforte.


  1. Ok, you've got to figure out a way to take picture right side up instead of sideways all the time. I've got a kink in my neck now from trying to see all the sideways pictures. Glad you are having a fun time. My favorite video was the squid eating event.

  2. OK, you look gorgeous in front of the fountain! Love that picture!

    I laughed through the video of you eating the squid... and your dinner looked disgusting, but what-ev-uh! I'd have ordered a pizza. :)

    Make sure you edit the pics to turn them the right side up and save them that way before posting. That will make them right-side-up on your blog.

    Love you, kiddo!!!

  3. Oh, ancient ruins in Rome. I. Am. So. Jealous.
