After church we went back to the hotel to get our things, then we got on the metro -- my last metro ride :( -- to Termini and then caught the train to Orvieto. That's about a 75 minute ride, during which I read my book. At Orvieto Grandpa picked up his car and we drove for 2 1/2 hours to Belforte. I slept part of the way, but it was hard to sleep because....
Countryside Surprise: The roads in the country side are crazy insane. It's like that saying on Cars: "The road didn't cut through the land. It moved with it." That's how it is out here in the country. One second you're heading east, and then you're moving west, and then east again, then south, then east, west, and north. No joke my friends! I would see something I'd want to take a picture of, and by the time I got my camera focused on whatever it was, it all of a sudden appeared behind the car. I'd start to put my camera away, and then there it was in the perfect spot again. Pull out my camera, and it was gone.
Despite the fact that I can't get any pics while we're driving, the country is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! It's so funny, when I think about it I can honestly say that the biggest difference between Rome and the country is this: In Rome, you're lucky if you can see the trees. In the country, you're lucky if you can see the towns.
Notice the difference?:
Well, we finally arrived at their house (which I actually don't have a picture of! GASP!! I'll get one, don't worry.) and then we simply relaxed for the rest of the evening. I called home a little later that night, when I knew the fam would be up. (In case there is anyone reading this who doesn't know, Italy is about 9 hours ahead of Utah.) And then I read my book. It was great!
I Forgot to Mention: Stuff I forgot to mention from Rome. In Rome, and throughout Italy I would guess, they don't have drinking fountains at all. Well, not like the ones we see in the states. In Rome they have these random fountains here and there on the side of the road. The water comes out of a faucet-like thing with a small hole on the top. When you want a drink, you just use your finger to plug up the hole the water is coming through, and then the water comes out the hole in the top. Presto! You have drinking water.
I also forgot to mention that I saw a Ferrari!!!!! WOOT!!!!! I only saw it pass by but I did get a picture. Rumor has it that there is a really, REALLY rich guy in Belforte who has a Ferrari, and I just might be lucky enough to meet him while I'm here and maybe get my picture with his car. (Grandma says good luck with that, but like I've said before, "I believe in miracles.")
Oh, you'll get your picture, I know it! This is Sammi we are talking'll get it. :)