Sunday, June 6, 2010

Siena-Part 1

WARNING: The memory stick in my camera freaked out on me in Florence so I don't have all the pictures from our trip anymore. I have a few that Grandma took, but I'm missing a lot. So, I apologize if some things don't make sense because you can't see it.

Starting Siena: We left for Siena at 6:00am on Friday morning. I slept a good chunk of the way. Near the beginning of the drive Grandpa freaked me out by mentioning the wasp right above my head! AAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!! I made him pull over and get rid of it before we went any further.
Here's me in Siena where me and Grandma waited for Grandpa to go park the car before we walked to the hotel. I was pretty pooped and we hadn't even done anything yet!

When we got to the hotel (Hotel Bernini) the secretary took us out on the terrace and I got my first real view of Siena (something like this):

On our way to Piazza del Campo, we passed a very beautiful scene: El Grande Chess Board!!!!! They had this square pretty much dedicated to the game of chess. Big chess, little chess, it brought a happy tear to my eye. :)

There are tons of statues of the wolf nursing Remus and Romulus, twin brothers who were orphaned as infants. Romulus killed Remus for some reason, and then he founded Rome. Romulus-Rome. Make sense? Old legend, look it up.

We saw more people dressed like statues. One guy was dressed in a completely gold outfit, and painted his skin gold and he was using and old fashion camera. The ones that are in movies like, the AppleDumpling Gang, and stuff like that. He was really good. We also saw one guys who kinda looked like Santa, but he was completely white. He hardly moved at all, and the first clue that he wasn't a real statue was his blinking. Another guys was painted white, but he had wings and a bow-n-arrow. The arrow had a heart at the end, so he was CUPID!!! He wasn't a very good statue, but he was pretty funny. Lost the pics, sorry.

Piazza del Campo is a really big square where people just chill. There's a really big clock tower on the edge of the square that is really famous.

Twice a year there is a big horse race where they set up the middle of the Piazza for people to stand, and then they pour sand all around the outer edge for the horses to race on. There are many neighborhoods in Siena and each one has a different horse team. Whichever horse crosses the finish line first (with or without their rider) is the winner. It's kind of a big deal.

We had Gelato at the Piazza. MMMM!!!!! GELATO!!!! I love it.

This Gelato shop we went to is ultimately my favorite, because of how they display it. They have the ice cream in piles with real chunks of whatever it's flavor is. So, the pineapple ice cream had a real pineapple in it, the strawberry had real and whole strawberries around it, the chocolate had fist size chunks of chocolate around it, etc. I took really cool pictures of it but....

We ate our tasty treat next to this fountain in the Piazza because, you know, it's not a real Italian city without a pretty fountain. That's just not right! Lots of wolf/dog statues. Big Piazza.

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