Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lotsa Pizza

To the Store: For the most part, today was pretty chill. In the morning me and Grandpa walked to the store (about a 10 minute walk) to get some groceries. I love that store. The people there are so nice to me, and even though they don't speak English and I don't speak Italian they always ask how I'm doing and ask a little bit about me, and one of the lady's always says, "Ciao Bella!" when I leave, which means 'Bye beautiful.' It makes me happy. When we got back I changed into shorts and did my hair because the long pants and hat were way too hot! I don't know what the weather is like in Utah, but over here we've been having fairly constant 80 degrees, 50% humidity. It's HOT!!!!
So I changed, and then me and Grandma decided to make chocolate cookies (not your kind, Dad, we didn't have any oats and you can only get them in a special store that is not exactly near us) for the pizza party tonight. We were out of chocolate chips, walnuts, and some other things, so Grandma sent me back to the store. Ha! She gave me a list of the things we need in Italian so I could find them, but I still had trouble. I asked one of the lady's who works there for help and gave her the list, and her and another guy there up and got everything I needed!!! Very nice. I love being in a town so small that everyone knows me and is willing to help because they all know I can't speak Italian.

Anyhoo, I brought everything home, we had lunch, then we had to wait for the butter to soften before we could make cookies. So I got creative. This is the back of one of those cute, cozy fireplace sort of chairs. The material is micro-fiber, I think, and it's fun to play with. See, I wrote, "Sammi in Italy".

I also did a lot of sketching again, though none of it was as good as my chair. These are my two favorites of the day:

Finally the butter was soft enough and I got to use my hands in the kitchen. I love cookies!!!!! I do have to say, however, the cookie dough for this recipe is a whole lot better than the actual cookies. Seriously.

Festa de Pizza: At about 7:15 we headed out the Primo and Paulo's house. I love those twins. They are soooo cool! And they threw a pizza party just for me! It was so much fun. They built this pizza kitchen place themselves and they put a wine cellar in it. Since I've never been in a wine cellar before, I took a couple pictures.

Here's me and the twins in front of the oven. Primo is the one in the grey shirt, and Paulo is in white. They had me wear an apron for the pictures and for cooking. Yup! They let me make my own pizza!

This is the actual pizza oven:

And here's some pics of me making my pizza. Paulo picked out the ingredients, which were cheese, anchovies, and something else. It wasn't bad, though I could have done without the anchovies.

This is me and my tenth piece of pizza. I decided I would have one piece of each different kind of pizza they made, and they made 11 different ones. The last pizza (number 12) was one of my favorites so I had a piece from there, too. Dad, I almost put you to shame! 12 pieces of pizza!!!!! I didn't know I had it in me. :)

Anyhoo, it was so fun. Everyone was so kind and funny, and oh my, I wish all of you could have been there. After the Pizza was gone, the twins brought out this yummy looking desert, oh it looked sooooo good! Unfortunately, the bottom crust had coffee in it, so I couldn't eat the whole thing. We ended up scraping the creme topping off of the piece I had and I just ate that. Heavens that was good!!! We started walking home sometime after 11:00pm, I'm not exactly sure when. Oh, I was full. MMMMM!!!!!

On our way back we saw a lot of fireflies again. I tried sooooo hard to get a decent picture or video, but it just doesn't work!!! Blast it all. They are so beautiful. It's mesmerizing to watch. You'll be staring out into a dark field and all of a sudden you'll see a light blink here, then there, then you see a bunch of lights just blinking! It's kinda like looking at the stars, except the lights blink instead of just constantly shining. Anyhoo, right outside of the house Uncle Larry caught one! We took it inside to see what they look like and I was able to get a picture of it blinking! It's not the same effect, I know, but my camera won't pick up the light in the dark. Isn't it's glowing rear end just sooooo cute?

What a great day!


  1. Oh Sammi that's soo awesome! You are having soo many awesomely fun experiences on your trip!!
    Ryan can't believe you ate 12 pieces of pizza!! lol :) I think it's way fun you got to use one of the old fireplace ovens and it looks like you are making some really nice friends. :) lol and yes the firefly is cute

  2. I like your foot drawing. It made me happy. :) I loved everything else too. :)

  3. Didn't know you were such a fantastic artist! I am really enjoying all your photos and comments.

  4. Maybe you can make us some authentic Italian pizza when you get home. Minus the anchovies and the stone oven, of course.

    I'm so happy you're having an awesome time!
