Sunday, June 6, 2010

Florence-Part 2

Piazza della Signoria: Next we went to the Piazza della Signoria where tons of statues are located. (Before the statues I have to mention the place marked where someone was hanged and burned. They have a slab of...stone...laid with the stone in the ground, and it talks about that event. It's pretty cool.) So, lots of statues. Original statues, actually.

I found it amazing that they would just have them out in the open where people could touch them. It seems like if that happened in the states there would be a lot of vandalism. Grandpa says there is some here, but I didn't see any. There is a really cool statue of Perseus cutting off the head of Medusa. It's pretty gruesome. The sculptor had even captured the blood gushing out from the neck. Yup. Don't go getting nightmares, it's only a statue!

Finally we got some Gelato. I got peach and raspberry, and tell ya what...the peach really tasted like peach! It was like someone had cut up a really fresh peach and stuck it in the freezer till it was cold and slightly crystalized and just gave it to me!!! I'm NOT exaggerating at all, and Grandma can testify. It was sooooooooooooooooo GOOD!!!!!!!! MMMM! I'm drooling just thinking about it.

After that we headed back to the car. On the way we walked across Ponte Vecchio ("The Old Bridge") which Grandma calls "Rich Man's Road." Across the whole bridge is a line of stores on both sides, all of which I saw were jewelry stores.

I mean, like, the real-deal diamonds, gold, silver...legitimate GLAMOR everywhere! Hence the nickname, "Rich Man's Road" cuz you have to be rich to shop there.

It was at this time, when I pulled out my camera to take a picture, that my memory stick decided to spaz out and I don't know what happened. Due to Freaque de Memory Stick, I no longer have any pictures that I took since the beginning of Siena. Like I said, Grandma has a few which I'll use, but until I can find out what happened, I'm kinda lost.

Speaking of lost, we got kinda lost trying to find our way out of Florence (cuz that place really is a maze) and we stumbled upon this lookout place. Florence is absolutely Stunning from here. Oh, it took my breath away.

Well, we finally got out of Florence and headed back to Siena. We took a break at the hotel, then Grandpa and I went to find the church I'm going to tomorrow. Found it, came back, picked up Grandma and headed to dinner. Of course, after dinner we went to the Piazza del Campo and had Gelato for desert. There were tons of swallow birds flying around catching bugs. When I say tons, I mean a lot. Got a video and everything, but it doesn't give the same effect. And of course, as if my luck couldn't get worse, the video won't upload. Oh well.

And that's the adventure of Florence!!!


  1. Pretty pics, that sucks way bad about your memory stick! :( maybe you can use your grandparents camaras some too so you get some pics still. And amen about the Gelato!! I never tried the peach, but I did try pear and it was the same experience (so if you find any its yummy lol :)

  2. The picture of the jewelry store reminds me of being in Korea. In the markets, there was an Italian store, and the window was just like that one... full of jewelry.
